MyUML can generate C++ code for class template, function template, enum, macro, typedef, struct,union, functions and global variables.
Special Note: If the target language is c++, you can generates source code for class template, function template, enum, macro, typedef, struct,union, functions and global variables.
For example:
generate C++ code for class template.
Create a class, double-click class, open the ClassProperties dialog.
In the Stereotype drop-down box, select the [class_template], and then click the other any edit box , then there appear a "Template Parameters" tab in the label column. Click the "Template Parameters" tab,you can enter the template parameters. if data type of template parameter is empty, then the template parameters is a non-type parameter;if data type of template parameter is not empty,then the template parameter is a type parameter.
Reference to class template settings, in Class Properties general page, select the other can make function template, enum, macro, typedef, struct,union, functions and global variables.